musings and mumblings

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

putting myself out there

Nothing is more satisfying than knowing that you are comfortable in your own skin and can do whatever you want, as long as it's within the boundaries of what is acceptable and humane and you know in yourself that you're not hurting anybody.

Now, I myself am wondering why with so many blogsites in the web right now, I've chosen to create one in here? I already have blogs over at Yahoo! and Friendster, but somehow, it felt like it wasn't me, it wasn't my style and how I really want it to turn out. So, having been inspired by some people whom I have read their blogs, I decided to create one where I can put in everything I want to say, without the restraints that other sites give.

Alright, I'm beginning to realize I am mumbling here so I'd better stop with that one. Basically, this blog will be about anything and everything that I have an opinion on. It may take different forms, album reviews, commentaries, short stories, other literary works and even some gossip about my favorite people and so on. You are free to post your comments too, it will be most welcome.

Hope you have fun reading my posts! Ciao!


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