musings and mumblings

Friday, September 22, 2006

I am a fan..

I know this may seem a bit "juvenile", but i have been caught up lately in posting at forums on American Idol winner and runner-up, Taylor Hicks and Katharine McPhee, and I must say, I've become slowly more addicted by the day. It's amazing to see how people can get really dedicated to rally behind one person from a contest; someone they've never met, and possibly never will do, but still puts a strong belief on that person.

I joined two of the biggest (which Kat and Taylor recognize themselves) fan forums on these two and I got to see up close how crazy fans can get. But I must say I admire them and I am becoming one of them. But in a good way of course. Also at the same time, I get to update myself with the latest goings-on in the careers of these two wonderful artists. I have to say I equally love them both, Taylor because he's just strongly held his ground and stayed true to himself and never wavered; Katharine because she is just a true person, sincere and honest and is not mindful of what others are saying so long as she's doing what is right for herself and for her multitude of fans.

I sure hope Taylor and Kat stay in the music biz for a really long time, they are two wonderful singers with great personalities and lasting presence. And I sure can promise myself that for as long as the fan forums are there, I'll be there as well.

**Here are the fan sites I'm telling you about. Join in if you're a Soul Patroller or a McPhan, or if you're both!!


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